4 Legal Pitfalls to Avoid When Contracting Special Education Services

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When it comes to filling gaps in special education staffing, many schools turn to contractors or vendors. While this approach offers flexibility, it also requires careful planning to avoid legal risks. A misstep can lead to compliance issues or even lawsuits. Here are four essential legal considerations to guide you through the process and ensure […]

Dear Speech Therapist – What Parents Want You to Know

For many families, it’s been a journey to get to the point where their child is working with a speech therapist. This is a crucial piece of the puzzle for many children with speech delays. What is it that parents really want speech therapists to know? Let’s find out. Partnership First, it’s important for both […]

Celebrating Excellence: Specialized Assessment and Consulting’s Remarkable Achievements

Specialized Assessment and Consulting has once again proven its commitment to creating an exceptional workplace environment. This year, the company proudly celebrates its third consecutive year as a recipient of the Great Place to Work Certification™ and its second year being recognized as one of Fortune’s Best Workplaces in Texas. Great Place to Work Certification™: […]

Three Considerations for Choosing a Special Education Contractor

As the school year gets busy, you may find yourself facing staffing shortages throughout your campus or district. One way to help address this is by using contract services. Particularly in special education, contractors allow you to hire a provider or teams with specific skills to address the unique needs of your students, fill vacancies, […]

Keep Learning: 4 Resources to Encourage Summer Reading For Your Students

Caregivers, school providers, and students all need a break once the final bell of the school year rings. However, it’s no secret that when schools close for summer, many students suffer from a summer learning loss. Research shows this “summer slide” is often caused by a decrease in access to books and reading opportunities during […]

5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity as a School Provider

At this point in the school year, there is only one more break coming – summer break. Not only are you eager for the end of the school year, so are your students. The excitement for the finish line can make the remaining days seem long and cumbersome. As a school provider, you pour yourself […]